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Youth and the Housing Crisis: Engaging Young Voices in the Solution

May 28, 2024

In a proactive effort to enhance youth participation in democratic life, the Citizen Z project partner, Platform INS, has embarked on a mission to involve young people in Amsterdam in the decision-making process through deliberative practices. Recognizing the value of youth perspectives, the team organised a series of pre-consultation meetings in early 2023 to gather insights into young people's preferences and visions, explore potential collaborations, and jointly determine discussion topics that resonate with their interests and priorities.

The pre-consultations proved to be highly productive brainstorming sessions, with participants sharing diverse perspectives and innovative ideas. These sessions set the stage for a three-day event held from September 25-27, 2023, focusing on deliberative democracy. Key issues discussed included political participation, mental health, active youth engagement, and notably, the housing crisis.

Subsequent pre-consultation meetings with youth, professionals, and EU election candidates underscored the housing crisis as a critical theme. In response, Platform INS, with broad support from the cabinet for the Affordable Rent Act, conceptualised and prepared a deliberative polling exercise to discuss the housing challenges young people face and to seek their recommendations for resolving the crisis.

A Home is Not a Luxury, but a Right!

From May 27 to 29, young people in Amsterdam will converge at Stichting Sara Burgerhart for a pivotal event titled "A Home is Not a Luxury, but a Right!" The event will commence with comprehensive information sessions on the housing crisis, featuring speakers and experts from the student union, Woonbond, experienced individuals, and a municipal representative. This introductory phase will provide an overview of existing solutions and the current state of the housing market.

The second phase will involve live deliberations where young participants can discuss the problem, share their experiences, and brainstorm possible solutions. These sessions aim to ensure that all participants feel listened to and can contribute their ideas equally, resulting in recommendations that genuinely reflect the collective input of the assembly.

The organisers hope that the upcoming deliberations will showcase the active involvement of young people in Amsterdam, highlighting both concrete problems and potential solutions to the housing crisis. By involving young people in the process, Platform INS aims to spark their enthusiasm and contribute to the development of sustainable and innovative recommendations.

Join us between May 27 and May 29 to deliberate with young people and make your voice heard. Together, we can make a difference!